Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert: The Guest Book


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert: The Guest Book


Bride Tips from Dax Photography: The Guest Book. As more and more brides get creative with their guest books (thanks pinterest), make sure you have VERY clear instructions on what you want guests to do. At my own wedding we did a fingerprint guestbook where guests were supposed to put their prints in a cluster to look like balloons above a cute drawing I did of a couple...let's just say that didn't happen (not even close). Guests need instructions and maybe even a picture of an example you're looking to create. Bottom line is that the sky is the limit for creativity regarding guest books, just make sure your guests know what to do to create your memento.


Wedding Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Size of the Bouquet


Wedding Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Size of the Bouquet


Bride Tips From Dax Photography: Size of the bouquet. This post may be a bit touchy for some of my fellow wedding vendors, but I'll try and be as tactful as possible. I'm seeing a troubling trend with florists and wedding planners...the bouquets are getting HUGE! As a general rule, the bouquet on your wedding day should never be larger/wider than the bride...period! Don't get me wrong they are still beautiful but let's not forget that the bouquet is an accessory for the bride to carry down the aisle. In fact...probably the least important accessory (think family jewelry, etc) and is meant to enhance how she looks the day of her wedding...not be the focus. From a visual perspective if you have a bouquet wider than the bride it naturally makes her look bigger than she really is. Ladies, simple and elegant should always be the rule, plus a smaller bouquet will save you money.


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert-Guest List Numbers and Percentages


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert-Guest List Numbers and Percentages


Bride Tips From Dax Photography: Guest list numbers. Ever wondered how many guests actually attend a wedding if invited?  As a general rule you can expect about 85% of local guests to show and about 55% of out of town guests to attend if invited. Granted that can vary but those are pretty darn good numbers to go by when planning your wedding guest list.


Wedding Tips From a Wedding Expert: Who gives this bride away.


Wedding Tips From a Wedding Expert: Who gives this bride away.


Bride Tips From Dax Photography: Who gives this bride away? ALWAYS hug your Dad...and Mom for that matter during the part of the ceremony where the officiant asks "Who gives this bride away?" I get that moment all eyes are on you, your heart is racing and you can't take your eyes off of your groom, but just breathe and make sure you hug your parents! It's a small but VERY important gesture to acknowledge how much they've done to help get you to this moment. Enjoy that moment, revel in it, hug it if you will. :)


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert: The First Look Is NOT Required!


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert: The First Look Is NOT Required!


Bride Tips From Dax Photography: The First Look IS NOT Required. A first look is when a bride a groom see each other before the ceremony. I've heard from a few brides now who were, let's say pressured, into doing a first look by either their photographer or wedding planner. Despite what wedding vendors may tell you it is NOT necessary to see each other ahead of the ceremony. For me whether you do a first look or not is totally up to you and really doesn't save any time or make things easier in most cases. I LOVED seeing my bride the day of our wedding at the end of the aisle and I wouldn't trade that moment for fact I encourage couples to do just that; wait til the ceremony.



Vintage Airplane Engagement Session Featured on Montana Bride!

Just had one of my engagement sessions featured by Montana Bride, Inc​!  This was the second time that the Missoula Airport/TSA has literally shut down air traffic for us to shoot.  They have been so great to work with and on this one we had the Director of the airport drive us around.  Just as we were starting a gentleman was just parking his vintage Yak-52 and graciously allowed us to use it!  Congrats again to Tim and Meagan!!!!  Check out the feature here:


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert: Hair and Makeup Order


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert: Hair and Makeup Order


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​: Makeup and Hair order.  The order in which you and your girls get your hair and makeup done the day of the wedding can make a huge difference in the flow and schedule of the day.  I've seen some weddings where they save the bride til last to get her hair and makeup done...DON'T!  Say you have 5 bridesmaids all getting hair and makeup done by the time they get to the bride things are undoubtedly running late (it's a wedding after all) which puts pressure on the hair and makeup people to get done faster and adds stress to the bride in general.  My best advice is to never have the bride go first or last with hair and makeup but rather to have her go 2nd or 3rd.  That way she's done and can relax and if something needs to be touched up it can be done before she leaves the salon.  Not everyone has a photographer that can do hair and makeup ;)


Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert-Parent Entrance

Wedding Planning Tips From a Wedding Expert-Parent Entrance


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​-Parent Entrance.  I often see parents and grandparents being ushered to their seats during the beginning of the ceremony.  Many times this means that the Dad or Grandpa is left to awkwardly walk behind the usher and Mom/Grandma.  This is not only awkward for them but also makes photos of them entering virtually impossible.  I would recommend that unless one of those family members is a party of one or needs assistance, then to let the couples walk in together and let them share that experience.

Wedding Planning Tips From Dax Photography-Dance Circles

Wedding Planning Tips From Dax Photography-Dance Circles


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​.  Dance Circles.  No...just no!  These are the worst during a reception and yet they always seem to happen.  We've all seen's when all the guests awkwardly circle around someone on the dance floor who has some moves.  But once the person in the center is done doing the worm then it get super awkward.  It breaks up the flow of dancing and makes it super awkward for all the people on the dance floor who don't want to be the center of attention...those who just want to dance and have a good time.  My advice...give instructions to your wedding party to do their best to break them up if they occur.  

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert-Prints

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert-Prints


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​:  Prints.  After you get your wedding photos back...get prints!  I don't care if they're large, small, canvas, metallic, etc, etc...just get them done!  My wife and I took 6 months to get some prints made and I'm a photographer!!!  Don't just post them to Facebook or worse yet just leave them on the discs to only be viewed on anniversaries.  Too often I see couples' homes that don't have a single image from their wedding.  If you're looking to save money the best places to use are AdoramaPix​ and Costco.  Adorama's metallic finish is just beautiful and Costco believe it or not does a pretty damn good job for how cheap their prints are...seriously a 20x30 inch print is only $8.99!   For Canvas prints...CGProPrints simply can't be beat in quality and price!

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Heels

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Heels


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​:  Heels.  Don't get me wrong I absolutely love heels as much as the next girl...the 4 pairs of Camuto's and Melani's we just got for my wife last weekend from Dillards can attest to this!  I would however, recommend to most brides that they skip the heels and only rock flats or cute boots (that hurt just even saying it).  It will save you money, most people will never see them anyway, your feet will be more comfortable and most brides end up in flats at some point during the day anyway (messing up the hem that was for heels).  The only caveat to this would be if they make you feel more confident or if you need the height.

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert:  Your Dress WILL get dirty...roll with it!

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Your Dress WILL get dirty...roll with it!


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​:  Your dress WILL get dirty.  Bottom line your dress will get dirty and the underside will be absolutely filthy by the end of your wedding day.  I always find it funny how careful everyone is with the dress leading up to the wedding and even the morning of your big day...only to later be whipping the train around the beer and wine soaked dance floor.  My best advice to brides who are worried about the dress getting dirty is to just take a deep breath and enjoy the day and just roll with a little bit of dirt.  I run into brides all the time who want these epic shots in the middle of a field yet don't realize what it takes to get them.  I do take every precaution to make sure we don't hurt the dress (towels down, even literally carrying brides, etc) but if we're walking through a field we're bound to pick up some grass seeds and bugs along the way....don't worry it won't show up in the shots and I guarantee the guests won't notice either.

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: The Cake

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: The Cake


Bride Tips From Dax Photography: Cake. I'm a conessueir of cake...I've had A LOT of it over the years. As far as local cake vendors are concerned here's what I've found to be true. Best tasting-ranked from best to worst...Rosauers, Black Cat, The Pearl, Bernices. Cost-Rosauers (barely beat BC), Black Cat, Bernices, The Pearl. Creative look/beauty-Black Cat, Bernices, The Pearl, Rosauers. Make sure that whomever you select that they can make your vision become a reality...Rosauers simply can't do some of the creative cakes you see on Pinterest, but they do make a delicious cake. Additionally, when my wife and I got married we wanted a tier that was metallic silver, Bernices literally told us that they could do it, but it would be inedible...WTF! Bottom line we've chosen Black Cat whenever we've needed a cake and they haven't let us down!

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert:  Wedding Website


Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Wedding Website


Bride Tips from Dax Photography​:  Wedding Website.  This is a great way for couples to provide details of the event to the guests and to get more accurate RSVP's.  Many wedding sites allow you to build your own site within theirs that just has the basics (the knot, etc).  If you're feeling even more creative you can build your own from scratch...I'm a huge fan of the wordpress platform.  Check out what Jen and I did for ours to get ideas: It's a great resource on so many this day and age, every couple should have their own dedicated site!


Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: The First Look


Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: The First Look


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​:  The First Look.  Some couples choose to have a first look before the ceremony.  It allows couples more time to spend together the day of their wedding.  There are countless ways to do a first look but my favorite has to be the bride sneaking up behind the waiting's a beautiful and intimate moment when he turns around.  One of my favorite things that I've seen during the first look was a bride and groom who read letters to each other about how much they meant to one another and what this day and future meant to them.  It set the stage for a truly emotional and fantastic day.   If you choose to do a first look make sure you let your vendors know and if you have some ideas that you want to try or incorporate please let them know.


Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Engagement Portraits


Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Engagement Portraits


Bride Tips From Dax Photography: Engagement Portraits. I highly recommend couples to get engagement portraits. Not only do you get beautiful images to use in invitations, etc, but they are a great way to get to know your photographer and their style. Make sure your session speaks to who you are as a couple! If you have favorite places or things that have meaning to you, mention that to your photographer...we love incorporating those little details! If you book your photographer soon enough you can pick your favorite season for your session! This image was one of my favorites from last year!


Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Pets in the wedding

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Pets in the wedding


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​:  Pets in Weddings.  My wife and I absolutely love our puppies...they are our family!  In fact I love weddings so much I named my dog Veil!  I often hear couples the day of their wedding say "awww...I wish our puppy was here!"  My advice is that you really should do what you can to incorporate your dogs into the wedding (other animals are a different story lol).  Sometimes it's incorporating them as a ring bearer with a bow tie, and other times it's a full on wedding dress and veil.  Sadly not all venues allow pets and the biggest hassle is logistics and trying to get someone to watch your puppy the entire day.  Ultimately my best suggestion is that you ask whomever is watching your dogs that weekend to bring them to the reception at some point so you can at least get some pictures with them!  We made some magic happen with the couple in the photo.  It was before the wedding and they didn't want to see each other yet, but still wanted a picture with their puppy...fortunately she cooperated for a split second! :)

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Tipping Vendors

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: Tipping Vendors


Bride Tips From Dax Photography​:  Tipping wedding vendors.  There are no hard and fast rules here and certainly no expectations from any of the vendors.  The general rule here is that you really should try to take care of a vendor that goes above and beyond what you expected from them.  If you do tip by no means does it mean cash, could be as simple as a heartfelt thank you note.  The one exception is if you have a wait staff serve you at your wedding...make sure you ask the caterer if the "service charge" is an actual tip or just an on site fee.  Bottom line if a wedding vendor goes above and beyond the call of duty do your best to thank them in some way. :)

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert:  The Schedule

Bride Planning Tips From A Wedding Expert: The Schedule


Bride Tips From Dax Photography: The Schedule. I've had a lot of questions about the schedule for the day of the wedding. While each one is different, one of the main time factors is how many bridesmaids you have (expect 40 minutes per hair style and 35 minutes per makeup application). My wife said it best..."Would you rather I show up on time, or ugly?" Remember that everything is going to run late the day of your wedding...just roll with it. Here is a general guide to go by.•10AM getting ready (This includes makeup, hair, and getting dressed…I will start shooting then) •1PM glamour shots of the bride and bridesmaids with the photographer •3PM shots of the groomsmen getting ready and in their tuxes •4PM relax for an hour while guests arrive •5PM ceremony •5:30 receiving line •6PM shots of the family •6:20PM shots of the wedding party •6:30PM Reception/Dinner •8PM I like to pull the couple away from the reception for a few minutes to get some intimate sunset shots of just them •9PM cake cutting, first dances, and bouquet toss •10PM couple send off